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Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

11 Pasukan Pro Pemerintah Suriah Tewas Dalam Aksi Baku Tembak

Damaskus - Lagi-lagi bentrokan terjadi antara militer Suriah dengan para pemberontak. Dalam aksi baku tembak itu 11 orang pasukan pemerintah tewas.

Seperti diberitakan oleh AFP, Minggu (8/1/2012), 20 pasukan militer lainnya terluka saat aksi baku tembak di Provinsi Daraa, sebelah selatan Damaskus. Saat tembak menembak terjadi, sembilan tentara membelot untuk bergabung dengan pasukan pemberontak.

Selain aksi baku tembak di Provinsi Daraa, tim pemantau HAM juga melaporkan adanya aksi tembak-menembak antara tentara dan pasukan desertir lainnya di Dael. Belum diketahui laporan tentang adanya korban dalam peristiwa itu.

Sejak meletusnya aksi protes terhadap Presiden Bashar al-Assad pada Maret 2011, Provinsi Daraa telah menjadi salah satu provinsi paling sering medapatkan aksi kekerasan yang mematikan yang disebabkan oleh rezim al-Assad.

Sebelumnya, terjadi aksi bom bunuh diri di Damaskus, Suriah. Sedikitnya 25 orang tewas dan puluhan lainnya luka-luka dalam peristiwa itu.

Serangan bom itu terjadi di kawasan padat penduduk dekat sebuah sekolah di jantung ibukota Damaskus. Sejumlah personel keamanan juga menjadi korban dalam pengeboman itu.

Stasiun TV Suriah menayangkan gambar para petugas penyelamat tengah mengumpulkan potongan-potongan tubuh korban di jalanan dan memasukkannya ke kantong-kantong plastik. Mobil-mobil dan sejumlah bus pun terlihat rusak dan dipenuhi dengan bercak-bercak darah.

Warga yang marah berkumpul di lokasi kejadian sembari berteriak-teriak dan mengecam pengeboman itu sebagai ulah para teroris.

Presiden Argentina Ternyata Tidak Mengidap kanker

Buenos Aires - Presiden Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner pada Desember 2011 kemarin didiagnosa menderita kanker tiroid. Namun, berdasarkan diagnosa terbaru, wanita berumur 58 tahun itu tidak mengidap kanker.

"Hasil diagnosis telah dimodifikasi," ujar juru bicara pemerintah Alfredo Scoccimaro seperti diberitakan PressTV, Minggu (8/1/2012).

Tim dokter Kirchner menganggap operasi bedah telah cukup dilakukan dan tidak perlu penambahan zat yodium radioaktif kepada Kirchner. Scoccimaro menambahkan, tidak ditemukan adanya sel kanker di tubuh Kirchner.

Kirchner telah mengambil cuti medis sampai 24 Januari ke depan dan telah memberikan kekuasaanya untuk sementara kepada Wakil Presiden Amado Boudou.

Para pendukung Kirchner juga ikut menyemangati presidennya yang berada di rumah sakit. Mereka mendirikan tenda sambil memasang spanduk 'Kekuatan Cristina'.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Argentina Cristina Fernandez diumumkan menderita penyakit kanker tiroid. Christina dijadwalkan menjalani operasi pada 4 Januari 2012 dan mengambil cuti hingga 24 Januari 2012. Selama kurun waktu itu, kepemimpinan Cristina akan digantikan oleh Wakil Presiden Amado Boudou.

Minta Dalai Lama Kembali, 2 Biarawan China Bakar Diri

Beijing - Seorang pria Tibet dan seorang pria lainnya tewas setelah membakar dirinya hidup-hidup di China. Pria tersebut melakukan pembakaran diri karena hendak melakukan protes terhadap pemerintahan China.

Seperti diberitakan AFP, Minggu (8/1/2012), Ini adalah ke-14 kalinya dalam setahun terakhir kejadian serupa terjadi di China. Insiden bakar diri ini terjadi Jumat (6/12) lalu di dekat biara Kirti di Provinsi Sichuan.

Keduanya adalah biarawan Kirti. Salah satu biarawan yang berusia 18 tahun meninggal di sebuah kamar hotel setelah membakar dirinya dan pria lainnya yang berusia 22 dirawat di rumah sakit setelah membakar dirinya.

Salah seorang saksi mata mengatakan, pria yang berumur 22 tahun meminta kembalinya Dalai Lama, pemimpin spiritual Tibet, sebelum akhirnya membakar dirinya. Api yang membakar pria itu kemudian berhasil dipadamkan dan dirinya dibawa ke suatu tempat oleh petugas keamanan.

Hasil investigasi pihak keamanan mengatakan pria itu terlibat dalam sejumlah pencurian, termasuk kasus pencurian patung Buddha di biara Kirti.

Banyak orang Tibet di Cina menuduh pemerintah telah melakukan penindasan agama dan mengikis budaya mereka. China menolak tuduhan itu dan mengatakan orang Tibet saat ini menikmati kebebasan beragama dan investasi yang besar telah membawa modernisasi dan standar hidup yang lebih baik.

Anang & Ashanty Tak Mau Menikah 12-12-12

Jakarta - Rekan duet sekaligus pasangan kekasih Anang dan Ashanty menyatakan siap menikah tahun ini. Namun mereka mengaku tak mau menikah di tanggal cantik 12 Desember 2012 (12-12-12). Kenapa?

Bukan apa-apa. Anang menyatakan bulan Desember 2012 terlalu lama untuk meminang Ashanty. Meski tak menyebut tanggal pasti, Anang memastikan akan menikah dengan Ashanty tahun 2012 ini.

“Insya Allah tahun ini. (12-12-12) Nggak ya kelamaan,” ujar Anang saat ditemui Minggu (8/1/2012).

Anang dan Ashanty mengaku persiapan untuk pernikahan keduanya sudah hampir rampung. Namun keduany masih tetap merahasiakan detail hari bahagia mereka itu.

“Ya masih persiapan ya. Nanti aja tunggu 90 persen udah fix,” ujar Ashanty. “Ini udah 89,9999 persen. Nanti baru dikasih tahu,” timpal Anang.

Editoring Foto With Photoshop

A heart attack is a frightening event, and you probably don't want to think about it. But, if you learn the signs of a heart attack and what steps to take, you can save a life–maybe your own.
Did you know that disease coronary heart ? Before discussing the coronary heart disease, the authors explain in advance about the heart. The heart is one of the most important organ of the body. The heart works to pump blood throughout the body clean and dirty blood to the lungs. If an interruption in the heart, blood pumping function will be impaired even result in death.

This article will discuss the symptoms of coronary heart disease (CHD). Chest pain is a symptom of coronary artery . Therefore, do not take for granted if this happens to you. Moreover, if the chest pain was felt in the middle of the chest and then spread to the left arm, neck, even to the back.

What is CHD (Coronary Heart Disease)?

Coronary heart disease occurs because of narrowing or blockage of heart arteries called coronary arteries. Like other organs, the heart also needs nutrients and oxygen to pump blood throughout the body. Food and blood supply of these substances should always be smooth because the heart is working hard without stopping. Coronary artery was in charge of supplying blood to the heart.

The heart will work well if there is a balance between supply and spending. If the blockage and narrowing of the coronary arteries, the blood supply to the heart is reduced. As a result, there will be an imbalance between demand and supply of nutrients and oxygen. The greater the narrowing of coronary arteries, the less blood flow to the heart and chest pain arises.

Chest Pain - Patients with Coronary Heart Complaints

Complaints are often perceived by the patient disease coronary heart disease (CHD) is chest pain or in medical terms is called angina pectoris . This chest pain will be felt during physical activity and will be lost if it breaks. That is why, people often overlook this because of chest pain symptoms are considered normal. If left unchecked, these symptoms will cause a sudden heart attack ( acute miokad infract ).
In addition to chest pain, other symptoms of coronary heart disease is the appearance of cold sweat and nausea. The symptoms of coronary heart disease is also considered a normal thing for people's understanding of coronary heart disease (CHD) is still lacking. Based on the data, the death of patients with heart disease, 50% due to ignorance of the patient and those around him to this disease, so patients do not have time to get help.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one cause of death today and sufferers in America , Canada , United Kingdom and Europe  continues to grow . This happens because of a change in lifestyle, such as eating unhealthy foods. In addition, stress caused by work environment can also increase the risk of coronary heart disease.

Risk factors for CHD (Coronary Heart Disease)

  1. hypertension (high blood pressure)
  2. diabetes mellitus
  3. Smoking
  4. lack of physical activity
  5. dyslipidemia
Risk factors for coronary heart above can be changed ( modifiable ) by taking action to prevent the emergence of these risk factors in order to avoid coronary heart disease.
If you suffer from hypertension, you are recommended to lower blood pressure to normal again. Also, avoid too many foods that contain cholesterol. You should also check cholesterol levels regularly and attain the target of a healthy blood cholesterol levels. One more thing you should do the exercise regularly and measurable. The recommended type of exercise is aerobic exercise.
There is also a risk factor for coronary heart that can not be changed ( in modifiable ), such as male gender, age (above 40 years), and family history of coronary heart disease. This does not mean women are free from this risk. Young women are less affected by CHD. However, women aged 65 years and older or age of menopause, the risk of coronary heart disease as much as men. 35-year-old woman with a smoking habit, her risk of CHD will be higher.
Obesity or overweight middle middle (belly) is a form of obesity. Although all obese people have a greater risk of coronary heart disease, people with belly fat is more risky. 
In addition, bad lifestyle will also trigger the onset of coronary heart disease. To avoid bad lifestyle, replace it with physical activity. This is the most effective way to prevent coronary heart disease. Stress also appeared to trigger coronary heart disease. Several studies have shown that if the face tense situations are likely to occur arrhythmias life-threatening heart. 

Prevention of Coronary Heart - The Sooner, the Better

The spectrum of coronary heart disease is generally divided into two, namely the stable and unstable (gravity). In the spectrum of stable, symptoms may arise when an increase in activity. Prevention can be done with lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and exercising diligent.
Meanwhile, in patients with coronary heart disease spectrum is not stable, chest pain can occur even when the patient is resting. Chest pain lasted for 15 minutes and continue to feel although been given the drug.
To deal with people who have a heart attack is to immediately stop the activity, then laid, inconsolable, and his clothes loosened. Bring immediately to the hospital in order to aid the re-opening of coronary artery blockages that occur ( reperfusion ). The earlier the treatment, the more heart muscle that can be saved.

Treatment of Coronary Heart

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Meanwhile, in United Kingdom and Europe, coronary heart disease becomes a problem the third largest non-communicable diseases, for both men and women. For the treatment of coronary heart disease, there are several tests that will be the medical team, which is as follows. 
  1. Coronary angiography / arteriography (invasive procedure designed to evaluate the heart under x-ray ).
  2. CT angiography (the way of a non-invasive way to perform coronary angiography).
  3. Echocardiogram.
  4. Electrocardiogram (ECG).
  5. Magnetic resonance angiography .
  6. Electron-beam computed tomography (EBCT), which aims find calcium in the artery lining. The more calcium, the greater the likelihood of someone affected by coronary heart disease.
In general, patients with coronary heart disease will be encouraged to consume one or more types of medicine. The reason is when the treatment of heart coroner, there are some that must be considered, such as blood pressure medication, diabetes or high cholesterol levels. Follow the instructions from the doctor to help prevent coronary heart disease. 

Fat and Coronary Heart Disease

Several scientific studies show a close relationship between the amount of fat consumption and coronary heart disease. Saturated fats can increase the incidence of coronary heart disease, whereas unsaturated fats can reduce the occurrence of coronary heart disease. 
Unsaturated fats are divided into two, namely monounsaturated fats (oleic acid) and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats contained in olive oil and avocado. Meanwhile, polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils contained in sunflower and soybean oils. Polyunsaturated fats of animal yak is usually present in fish oil. 
Eating monounsaturated fat can lower symptoms coronary heart disease, for example to people in the Mediterranean area. Meanwhile, consumption of polyunsaturated fats (especially fish oil) can minimize the symptoms of coronary heart disease as in the Eskimo population.